Amanda Mankowsky
Youth Program Director
Hello my name is Amanda Mankowsky I have been with MassHire since June 2023. I bring 13 years of experience working with youth and families.
Under the Youth umbrella we have many programs including WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act a state funded program which provides comprehensive services and opportunities to Youth ages 16-24 which can include Preparing for employment, post secondary education, education and skills training credentials, and securing employment with career and promotional opportunities.
Another program under the youth umbrella is the YouthWorks Program which aims to reduce juvenile delinquency in youth and young adults between the ages of 14-25. YouthWorks is a state funded program that helps youth and young adults with skill training, leadership development, and career exploration. This program focuses on high risk individuals who may be at risk for chronic unemployment. It also provides individual youth with on the job training and internship experience.
If you’d like to learn more, please send an inquiry using the contact form below.