Interview Prep


Only a small percentage of applicants are invited to interview for a position. The Interview Prep section of this website is designed to help you make the most of this opportunity and increase the chances that you are offered the job.

Interview Overview

This section shows what a typical interview (from preparation to follow-up) can look like.

Interview Strategies

Find tips from youth as well as career development professionals on how to be a skilled interviewer.

Interview Questions

Even though it is not possible to anticipate every question an interviewer will ask, getting to the point where you can talk about your skills and experiences (easily and clearly) in response to common interview questions will prepare you for most interview questions.

Professional Appearance

Your appearance will give interviewers a first impression about you. Appearance has to do with clothing, accessories, hair style, posture, eye contact, and more. This section aims to help you prepare ahead of time for future interviews.

Interview Follow-Up

How you follow-up on an interview can make all the difference.

Additional Resources & Support

  • If you are going to a public high school, go to your guidance counseling department / student services to find out what resources are available.
  • Think about adults in your life who might serve as a resource. Then talk with them about what you are trying to do and see if they are willing and able to help.
  • The Franklin Hampshire Career Center offers a wide range of supports: workshops, guides, computers, disability employment services, and more!
  • For a broad list of local resources, click here.