A Great Way to Learn about Occupations & Build Your Professional Network
Informational Interviews are a great way to network with professionals, learn about positions that are or will become available, and/or learn about occupations you are interested in. The primary purpose of informational interviews is to learn about a job, career, business, and/or the education, training, and certification needed to do a specific job. It is not a job interview, but it is a fantastic way to develop a network that could help you find a job in the future.
Informational Interview Resources
Career Village
Connecting Professionals to Students for Online Career Advice. What if we could promise every student in the world that we could get them the answer to any question about any career, from real-life professionals speaking from real-life experience? Our web platform matches the career questions students ask to our volunteer corps of over 15,000 working professionals with relevant expertise and a wealth of experiences to share. The advice students get is tailored for them, it’s reliable, and it’s encouraging and inspirational.
- Informational Interviewing: Why & How
- Write a Letter to Request an Informational Interview
- Write a Thank you Letter after an Informational Interview