to ensure the prosperity of Franklin, Hampshire and North Quabbin youth
by increasing youth “connectedness,” enhancing school-community youth
engagement strategies, and improving youth education and employment prospects
This website will provide us many different skills that will be essential in future employments that is built on the 4 pillars Dependability, Communication, Taking Initiative and Collaboration. That are skills that will be essential in making us a better employer specially in the future.
The Youth Career Connections Council of the MassHire Franklin Hampshire Workforce Board (originally formed in 2000) holds four regular meetings and one summer youth event per year. The purpose of this council is to act as a hub for individuals and agencies who serve youth. We review area youth needs in career development and training and engage community partners to support youth career exploration, job readiness, and planning.
The Council is comprised of Franklin Hampshire Workforce Board staff, Career Center staff, representatives from an adult, secondary, and higher education, and multiple youth and community-serving organizations. It is an excellent opportunity for area youth supporters to network with both private sector and community-based organizations that are eager to support students in our schools and community.
Schedule of Meetings 2021-2022
Meeting (virtual): Wednesday, September 15, 2021 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Meeting (virtual): Wednesday, November 17, 2021 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Meeting (virtual): Wednesday, February 23, 2022 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Meeting (virtual): Wednesday, May 18, 2022 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
For more information or to attend a meeting, please contact the School to Career/Connecting Activities coordinator at schooltocareer@masshirefhwb.org.
Meeting Schedule Mahar 2023-2034
This is the weekly schedule that we have for youthworks
Monday 3pm to 4 pm Online
Tuesday 3pm to 4 pm Online
Wednesday 2pm to 4 pm In person
Thursday 3pm to 4 pm Online
Friday 3pm to 4 pm Online
You would also be given a schedule that of your choice for your case management meetings that only takes 15 minutes overall, this can also be customized defending on what the team wants an example of this is when we decided that a 2 in person is much better that changed our schedule into this.
Monday 4 to 5 Online
Tuesday 2 to 4 In Person
Wednesday 4 to 5 Online
Thursday 2 to 4 In Person
Friday None
Aside from this you will have access to individual work that is very useful due to the fact that you can make up hours anytime and anywhere at all times. This can be very useful in making a good week schedule.
Youthworks is good program that offers the students a lot of variability and choices that is essential for the work and life balance of everyone. this is also a program that offers a lot of benefits they will offer things that can help you for transportation as well as give you things such as Gift cards because of the hard work that you’ve done they will also give you winter coats and things that you need in the career fair if you don’t have anything prepared for it. in the near end of the program, they also offered us jobsite’s where we can work in and some hours in which is very useful and essential to all of us this will also allow us to get real life experience that is useful in learning the workforce that surrounds us and can be very essential to all of us growing in the community.
Personally, for me I was very comfortable in the youthworks program the boss are really nice and very convenient due to the fact that Youth works of his very essential for me As a youth that just started joining the workforce in the United States I discovered a lot of things about myself due to the fact that I joined it and overall I learned a lot of skills would be essential for future employment and would make me a lot more successful especially in the future I think that it was very useful in gaining a lot of skills such as communication collaboration initiative and dependability I think that that plays a big role especially for a teenager I think that not every teenager was given a chance to work an environment which is so healthy and they feel bad about that but I was really happy that I have a chance to work with someone who actually understands the reasons why we can’t go to meeting sometimes and the problems that we have as a teenager ourselves. This has taught me a lot of skills especially the ones that require a lot of interpersonal talking I think I gain a lot of interpersonal skills due to working here due to the fact that I learned to talk to other people especially the people that are outside of my comfort zone I feel like I stretch that comfort zone to a bigger way than it used to be and if you like it was really helpful this is the fact that you did that I was able to communicate better to other people and express myself in a lot more understandable way for someone who’s from a different culture. This also played a crucial role In teaching me the importance of having your colleagues as your friends I think that having my colleagues as those people to me or people that are near me allowed me to express myself more and express my opinion more while being respected by them I feel like that is a very useful thing and hopefully that friendship continues even if we split paths after you works, Do you see it breaks I was able to do things that I normally do not think I would be able to do like talking to people on the phone and emailing them to join our career fair and in the career fair itself I talked to more people than I’ve ever talked to and probably the entire year that they were able to talk to the businesses and ask them if they need some help the career fair went really well we were able to give them what they need and what they want it was very successful overall we were able to indulge students to participate in the career fair which has continued to be something I’m really proud of in the present day because that’s something I can normally not do I barely can call people and ask them to get me an appointment somewhere but now due to that learning to call this businesses has taught me a lot of skills especially in communications and I think that now I’m a lot better than what i used to be before youth works I feel like I’m a lot more sociable I’m a lot more confident and I feel like my ideas are worth something instead of feeling that my ideas are worthless I feel like it has been very helpful and putting that mindset in my head. I think that this was very useful especially when it comes to Finding some enduring shifts that you want to work in I think that it gives you a wide variety of options so trying something new and it also helps us explore a lot of different things and a lot of different options for future opportunities entertaining our careers I think that’s very essential because not everyone wants to be in the career that they pursue and sometimes they have to just switch to not get burned out or not be stuck in a field that they do not want to work in and they think you towards this kind of taught me the way that this works and it gave me a lot of options to do different things and things that might probably interest me despite me staying in the nursing course I feel like and it’s also influenced me that in case I do not become a nurse I would also have a different choice and it’s okay to have a different choice and it’s okay to be laid compared to other people I think that was very useful especially for a senior like me that just came here I feel like it’s a bread of fresh air to hear people struggle and not get to where they want to until it a lot older than what society thinks someone should be in anything that that was very useful especially for me.
Mahar 2024 Jay