MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center Disability Employment Services
If you live in Massachusetts, but not in Franklin County, Hampshire County, or the North Quabbin area, click here to find your regional MassHire Career Center and find information about their Disability Employment Services.
Work Without Limits
A network of engaged employers and innovative, collaborative partners that aims to increase employment among individuals with disabilities
Disability Employment Publications
Order FREE disability employment guides. Job-seekers with disabilities can find information to develop their skills and find the support they need to get a job.
Strategies for Promoting Successful Transitions to Adulthood, Higher Education, and the Workforce
According to Workforce GPS (e-Newsletter 12/7/18), this resource “highlights six education and workforce policy strategies used in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin to explain young people transitioning to adulthood matters and how it predicts economic success; and examines the challenges and effective and promising strategies that leverage funding and partnerships to support improved outcomes for youth in the Great Lakes region.”
Soft Skills and Disability Employment
“Soft skills refer to a broad set of skills, competencies, behaviors, attitudes, and personal qualities that enable people to effectively navigate their environment, work well with others, and achieve goals. While soft skills is an important ingredient for success for everyone in the labor force, the list below primarily highlights specialized research and resources focused on the disability population.” (Workforce GPS, e-Newsletter 12/7/18)
People with disabilities have an increased likelihood of experiencing financial insecurity. Student loan obligations may contribute to this financial distress. However, federal student loans have a range of protections under federal law. These protections are designed to prevent borrowers from struggling with unaffordable monthly payments.
Tip for student loan borrowers with disabilities
Student loan borrowers with disabilities face unique challenges when repaying student loan debt. Last year, the Department of Education identified approximately 387,000 borrowers with severe disabilities that were eligible for Total and Permanent Disability Discharge, 179,000 of which were in default.