MassHIRE CIS (MassHire Career Information System)
A free online college and career exploration, portfolio, and planning tool. This site includes career assessments, occupation profiles, real-world interviews about occupations, post-secondary education and training information, and more.
O*NET Online
O*NET On Line has detailed descriptions of the world of work, including Labor Market Information from the U.S. Labor Department.
My Next Move
A career exploration tool where you can search for careers using a key word, a scroll down menu of industries, or by indicating what you like to do and see matching occupations that fit your interests.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
This Bureau of Labor Statistics website allows you to browse occupations by Highest Paying, Fastest Growing, and Most New Jobs. You can also search occupations from A-Z, and learn about daily tasks, wages, education needed, and more. This site also publishes Career Outlook with articles about different occupations and a You’re a What? section, featuring unique occupations.
MEFA Pathways
A web portal designed to help Massachusetts students (grades 6-12) manage their educational and career pathways. It provides students with one central planning site where they can organize their academic information, get free test-prep tutorials, research schools, track applications, apply for financial aid, and more.
Career One Stop– Occupation profiles and videos
An online career exploration and job search site, which can also help you locate your local Career Center. Here is a helpful instructional video on key sections in the Career One Stop website.
Career Clusters
Not ready to pick a specific occupation? Consider Career Clusters, which group occupations according to shared skills and characteristics. This site includes a Career Cluster Interest Survey so you can find out your top 3 career clusters of interest.
Road Trip Nation
Career Exploration Videos: The Road Trip Nation crew travel the U.S., interviewing people about the work that they do and why they do it. View thousands of videos to learn about different occupations.
Apprenticeships in Massachusetts
This guide provides information on Joint Apprenticeship Training Programs for a variety of trades. It includes contact information and program eligibility requirements.
This website provides insight into what a data scientist is and how to become one. Data scientists are analytical experts who utilize their skills in both technology and social science to find trends and manage data. They use industry knowledge, contextual understanding, skepticism of existing assumptions – to uncover solutions to business challenges.