Career Decision-Making

The graphic emphasizes that our career journey is not a linear path. Rather, it is a dynamic process depicted by arrows moving in both directions. It highlights the idea that we constantly learn and develop throughout our lives. Therefore, if you are uncertain about your career direction or change your mind, there is no need to worry. You can start at any point on the wheel and still end up where you need to be.

Having said that, the career planning process involves getting to know yourself and researching suitable career options based on your skills and personality. Once you have an idea of what you want to do, reach out to professionals in that field to confirm your interest. Finally, consider the education or training required for your chosen career.

Assess yourself


Explore Careers and Education


Informational Interviewing

The purpose of Informational Interviews is to learn about occupations you are interested in from professionals working in those jobs. An informational interview is not a job interview. this can be very useful in knowing what you have to offer and exert to the job that you aim to have.

Job Shadowing

Education and Training

There are a number of ways to get the skills and experience you need, become familiar with the paths available to you. Use this shadowing to know what you really want and earn what you need to be part of the workforce that you want. this is beneficial to be able to go to the goal that you foresee in the future.

Create a Plan and Set Goals

DIY Career AKA Entrepreneurship

Maybe you want to work for yourself, if so, you learn more about Entrepreneurship by following the link above. this would be viable in starting and running a business this will give you a rundown of what you need to think about and do that is really something that you need to look up to when takin charge of it.

Expand Skills

As you travel along your career path, you may find that you need to go back for more trainings to build your knowledge base. Be prepared to be a lifelong learner if you want to grow in your chosen career field. this can help in multiple ways. this can help in getting a manager position or a position that will give you more stability

Find a Job

Utilize the connections that you made along the journey to help you find your dream job. Every person you encounter maybe a future employer or a source of feedback through evaluations and recommendations. Always put your best self out there! because that will give you a better leverage in the future.